
Learning Library:

Here you can pick up many of the skills needed to develop on decentralized infrastructure, as well as build and manage your own!


Team Member1

Learn Github!

Github is the application that allows us to work together on projects and track changes proposed by each other before merging them into the application. It's this "social coding" that allows us to create collaboratively. Github can be a little awkward at first, so take your time and learn to love this powerful tool! I recommend the below tutorial, and class, to get a good understanding of git/github and it's many features.

A Beginner's Git and GitHub Tutorial

Version Control with Git

Team Member2

Learn Linux!

Learning Linux is crucial for developers due to its widespread use in the development world. Linux powers servers, cloud platforms, and embedded systems, making it essential for deploying applications and managing infrastructure. Additionally, proficiency in Linux enables developers to leverage powerful command-line tools, customize their development environment, and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying operating system. The guy that teaches the below series of classes is one of the best on youtube, and his content is always great!

Linux Crash Course

Application Development/Deployment:

Team Member3

"How To" launch an decentralized application on Flux infrastructure!

Follow this guide to be successful in launching your first application on Flux.

Dapp Guide

Team Member4

Learn Docker!

Currently docker is the only supported method of deploying applications on Flux decentralized infrastructure. Learning Docker is highly valuable for developers as it enables efficient application packaging, deployment, and scalability across different environments. With Docker, developers can easily create isolated and reproducible development environments, streamline collaboration, and ensure consistent deployment across various platforms.

Docker Essentials

Node Deployment/Management:

Team Member5

"How To" Launch your first Flux Node!

Explore the many guides listed here and choose the one that best fits your scenario.

Flux Node Guides

Team Member6

Learn Proxmox!

Proxmox can help with running many flux nodes on a single server from home or in the cloud. Proxmox VE is an essential tool for virtualization and containerization, offering a powerful and user-friendly platform for managing and orchestrating virtual machines and containers. It enables organizations to optimize resource utilization, increase scalability, and simplify the management of complex IT infrastructures, ultimately improving efficiency and flexibility in the deployment and management of virtualized environments.

Proxmox VE Full Course

Team Member7

Learn Ansible!

Ansible can help with managing large quantities of flux nodes by way of automation. Ansible is an essential tool for development as it automates the provisioning, configuration, and deployment of applications and infrastructure, enabling developers to achieve consistent and scalable environments.Its declarative nature and simplicity make it accessible to both developers and operations teams, fostering collaboration and accelerating the development and delivery process.

Proxmox VE Full Course

PoUW (proof of Useful Work) and Mining:

Team Member9

Redpanda and Octominer AMA!

Come see whats inside the new Flux PoUW Octominer 10GPU servers!

youtube video here!